I joined
weardrobe this week- at first I wasn't feeling it, but then I realized it's a pretty cool site that catalogs your clothes for you. You can look things up by item in your closet and see outfits you wore with it- do join (no they didn't pay me to say that) and we can be friends there too! Anywho- they had a hippie chic outfit contest this week, winner gets a nice gift card. I spent the weekend getting in touch with my inner hippie and rocked my boho outfits, so stay tuned! I'll admit I had a little too much fun here, as I spent my junior high days trying to be a hippie (eating vegetarian diet, only listening to Beatles and 70's rock, growing my hair super long). I guess you can tell what a preppy girl I am by most my looks, but I will always have a flair for Boho- it's part of my strange learning my identity stage!
Shirt: Forever 21, $30 (one item I paid FULL price for), Vest: Vintage, borrowed from sister, Jeans: AE, $20, Shoes: Target, $13, Bracelet: Shop near mi casa de Mexico in college, $5ish, Headband: From original hippie days (seriously), Necklace: Made by me