Do you know why I like fashion blogging? Lots of reasons- but here's the main one I sometimes forget about: sometimes I have days were I think an outfit is totally working, take a pic, and realize that a certain shape or color is so blah on me. Sometimes I have days when I walk out the door thinking things like "Can one really put bright orange, muted gray, and cobalt blue together and still look professional? Not to mention does this even work on my frame? Is this boho or business or quirky? Can you do biz/quirky/boho blends? Are students going to stare at this? Will my business cohorts think less of me for wearing something so bright and out of the box?" I didn't love this outfit until I uploaded pics, just like I like many until I see how they just don't work (I try not to post those unless I'm desperate!)
That is the reason I do this, love comments as I do, love the social aspect of so many cool fashionistas out there- I love finding what works, what doesn't, and whether risks or new ideas were something to try again:)
Any amens out there?
Skirt: Forver21 via Buffalo Exchange: free on trade, Shirt: NY&Co, $12, Shoes: Target, $6.50, Tank: Downeastbasics.com, $10, Belt: Goodwill, $2 (maybe $1...I think 2), Necklace: Lia Sophia, Gifted