I've been asked lately if I ever wear pants anymore. Looking at my last posts and the few I have to do I realized the short-sleeves and skirt have been my staple the past few hot months. I do wear pants, just usually on casual Friday where I haven't put much together or for date night. I always forget to take pictures before date night, sadly because I actually do my hair and makeup for these which isn't always the case for work, but there are those rare occasions where the venue you're hanging at has a hula hoop contest and your friends happen to snap a picture of you. There you go, proof of pants, and one post where I got away from my standard picture poses.
Wal-mart $10 (back before
skinnies were cool and they were
desperate to sell), Shirt: F21, $21,
Cardi: Target, $12, Scarf worn as belt: sister's Goodwill pile, Shoes: Target, $13