This is my final outfit in our 3rd Annual Music Inspiration Challenge. I'm kind of sad to see it go- I've felt a lot of inspiration to create some looks I never would have thought of otherwise.
This look I would think of and did actually wear right as the challenge started. I just thought it may be cheating since it was a date outfit I'd already thought I'd wear. But when I watched the music video for "Deer In The Headlights" I realized it's a casual love story about a meeting at a convenience store. I started thinking of the times I actually go into a convenience store, which isn't often. Every time has been on a road trip, in an emergency, or just swinging by after a party or event with friends. The latter is more often than the other 2. Usually I'm dressed in casual party attire and we just need that midnight Slurpee or want a soda and swing by on our way to the next event.
This outfit totally fits the bill for a casual party or date outfit that could definitely end with me having that moment of noticing someone and getting caught like "Deer In The Headlights." And maybe this did stretch me, because most my outfits are taken at work or right after with a completely different dress code. Perhaps I need to embrace the weekend casual/date looks more often!

Jacket: Anthro, gifted, Jeans: LEI, $10, Shirt: Gap, Thrifted, $6, Shoes: Target, Bag: Nine West, Thrifted