Thanks for all the fit advice a few posts ago, it's nice to know I'm not the only one and there are fashion "kindred spirits" out there who have been through my fit woes! I'm going to have to buy more belts I think. I'm a product of the 90's, and shirts were tight, pants were huge, and belts weren't really a part of fashion. Oh how I will be changing my ways. My next purchase is going to have to involve some more waist belts for my newer shape!
The grass ate my shoes, but they aren't too far off in color from the belt.
Shoes: Target, $6, Crops: Banana Republic, $15, Belt: Gap, $6, Shirt: Aeropostale, $4
I am loving this blog. We have similar fashion tastes (preppy, gamine, classic, casual) and the same bargain hunting taste. I love the fact that you post prices. Can't wait to see more!